"A good therapist will find the cause, and not simply treat the pain"
-John Gibbons
"A good therapist will find the cause, and not simply treat the pain"
- John Gibbons -
A fairly average sunny afternoon several years ago..... I slipped on some wet grass and landed on my side with arm pinned underneath me, to add to this the person I was with also slipped, but landed on top of me. When I finally got up I couldn’t move my wrist - a trip to A&E confirmed “nothing broken, just a soft tissue injury, you’ll be fine”. How wrong they were. Fast forward approx 3 years and I could barely move my wrist, arm, shoulder and neck. I bounced between my GP, NHS Physio, A&E and a Chiropractor until someone I worked with recommended a Sports Massage Therapist. After a few visits I felt much better but still not 100% - more like 70% I'd say. I just wanted to be rid of the daily discomfort that was dragging me down.
Meanwhile, after some soul searching, I took voluntary redundancy from my day job and decided to use the funds to retrain. Quite a leap from being an Exec PA for an Insurance Company but I decided I wanted to help people stuck in the same situation I’d been in (still in pain after conventional treatment ended) and believed I could make a difference.
I achieved my Holistic Massage ITEC qualification in 2009, Sports ITEC qualification in 2010, Reflexology ITEC in 2013, and haven’t looked back. Through researching the various problems that people presented with I came across Fascia (I bang on about it a lot - but that’s because it’s important!) and quickly realised this was the missing piece not only in my treatment but also in other people’s. I completed my treatment myself!
One thing I always believed, and still do, is that everyone is different so “one size will definitely not fit all”.
On my journey I’ve come across several people who have strongly influenced my training. Two well worthy of note are:
Erik Dalton PhD who founded The Freedom from Pain Institute in America - his ethos appealed to me straight away. I signed up for his training courses and learned some amazing stuff. His prolific writing and highly educational courses earned him induction into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame in 2007 and the One Concept Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012. I achieved Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification in October 2019 after 5 years training.
Also John Gibbons, an ex Army PT turned Osteopath, turned Trainer, turned Author, now International Trainer - who also provided some amazing training. John is a great guy with a great attitude. He is fast becoming known as the expert’s expert. I completed his BodyMaster Method Practitioner Diploma in 2015 - the culmination of 5 years training.
So, here I am, 10 years later, running my own practice still with a passion for helping people in pain...because I understand where you're coming from.
Hope to see you soon.